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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Insomnia, knowing deeply this part of sleep disorder

Are you or your family suffering from insomnia? Insomnia or sleep disorder, for some people assumed as normal thing, but if insomnia happen in longer time will cause any physiological and physic disturbance, even death.

What is insomnia?
Insomnia is defined as the inability to sleep or maintain sleep

What causes insomnia?
It can be caused by any number of factors. The most common are:
o stress, anxiety and depression – Physiological factor
Experience stress in certain period because of social condition, unfinished personal problem, financial crisis, etc
o Bad environment
Experience 1 or 2 days sleep disorder because of noisy environment, so you have to move.
o Physical illness
Maybe you are still in period of curing your illness, by the time you get well, your insomnia gone.

Three types of insomnia exist:

Transient insomnia: trouble sleeping over a period of a few nights.
Short-term insomnia: trouble sleeping for two or three weeks.
Chronic insomnia: poor sleep every night or most nights for more than 2 weeks.

What are the symptoms of insomnia?
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV), shows the symptoms of one who is suffering from insomnia for physiological factor
1. Difficulty in getting started, maintaining sleep, and could not fixing the problem for one month are the most problem reported.
2. Insomnia cause one becomes stress that disturb social function, daily job, or other important function.
3. Insomnia causes physiological factor is not in area of narcolepsy, sleep disorder related to respiration, circadian rhythm disorder or parasomnia,
4. Insomnia for physiological factor doesn’t happen because of psychiatric disorders such as depression, delirium.
5. Insomnia for physiological factor doesn’t happen because of physiology side effect such as consuming medicine or general medical condition.

Solution Recommended
First, the insomnia people visit doctor first. This is very important to diagnose whether they have physical pain that affect sleep disorder. If found any physical pain then physical therapy needed.
Second, DO NOT EASILY consume sleeping pills without doctor receipt. Otherwise the insomnia will be resistant. Because mostly sleeping pills as temporary healer, then after the period ends, one will suffer again from insomnia.
Third, prevent consuming alcohol drink, drugs, etc. Otherwise they will cause disorder of body parts function and neuron system normally.
Fourth, have your meals normally from quality, quantity, and time. Prevent drinking coffee, for coffee itself contains caffeine that stimulate neurons to be busy. Do not eat too much or too little, it will affect your stomach responding abnormal.
Fifth, set up your bedroom effective and efficient, comfort table lamp. For certain environment, like noise, or flooded lights will disturb concentration to sleep.
Sixth, if you know what makes sleep disorder are the unfinished problem, you had better finish it first perfectly, not half. Think rationally that as long as we live, we always face problems. Face it, not running from it.
Seventh, when you are going to sleep, do it with strong determination and physical relaxation as easy as possible.

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