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Insomnia health

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

3 Tips to Beat Insomnia. From Discovery to Recovery!

There is really no exclusive insomnia cure. There are many different treatments available that you can test . As you access these treatments one or more may be a possible insomnia cure for you. It might be a case a few test runs as you try out these treatments to find the best insomnia cure for you. But I assure you, you will be satisfied in the long run as you are rewarded with a good nights sleep.

Decisions, Decisions.

Before you are able to puzzle out the insomnia cure for yourself, it would be advisable to learn what your options are. Its as you learn what alternatives you have available, you are then better able to make a wise decision regarding the best insomnia cure.

Before you "dive into" pills or products a simple lifestyle change may be all that is required.

1. Jetsam the Junk Food.

I will take the food pyramid as the example. The bottom tier will have fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain bread and cereals which will be eaten in abundance. Doctors suggest eating food that is high in carbohydrate prior to sleep. Examples of these are bread and crackers. Don't forget the 8 glasses water daily. There should be very little consumption of fatty foods, sugar and other unhealthy foods which are in the top tier. Fruit juice e.g. cranberry and carrot juice are very beneficial.

2. Walk the Dog!

Studies show that people who exercise with moderate intensity for a half hour in the morning fall asleep easier and sleep better. When there is physical exercise your core body temperatures and adrenaline levels are increased. 5 or 6 hours after exercise hormone levels drop, therefore it would be more advantageous to partake in exercise in the afternoon or early evening. The drop in hormone levels will aid in promoting a good sleep.

If after making the appropriate life style changes and you are still having not much success in finding an insomnia cure there are other alternatives you might want to consider.

3. A Quick Fix! But that is O.K.!

You will need to get a prescription from your doctor for sleeping tablets. Your doctor will give you a complete physical check,perform routine tests and from there decide what is going to be the best for your insomnia. Sleeping tablets are used when simple measures are not enough, and lack of sleep is affecting your health. They should be used to get back to a normal sleeping pattern. People experiencing lack of sleep as a result of an acute crisis may find sleeping tablets effective as a short term remedy. Sleeping tablets are not the best way to help with sleep problems because you can get addicted to them, and they often stop working if you take them regularly. Some of the side affects are:

* headaches,

* dry mouth.

* weight gain, to name a few.

Because of the side effects many people shy away from medication as they feel the side effects are not worth the gains they might get in taking the tablets.

: article by Lynn Zingel [ Lynn Zingel is the author and editor of http://www.sleep4sure.com/ For tips and techniques on how to change your sleep patterns and have energy plus, visit my site. Browse my site for more information on insomnia, sleep disorders and insomnia treatments ( http://www.sleep4sure.com/ ) ]

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tips to Clear out your worries and concerns for curing insomnia

Are you the type of person who goes to bed with your mind racing and runs over all of the worries and concerns of the day? Try this tip for clearing the clutter from your head.

Shortly before going to bed, take your notebook and write down all your worries and concerns. This simple action will allow your mind to let them go and relax. Take a simple conversation to your mind/soul, and say, “I will lie down and sleep in peace, for The Lord make me dwell in comfort and safety”.

Go to sleep and wake up at the same time everyday, even during the weekends. Some insomniacs try to sleep at any time of the day to catch up on some sleep they lost at night.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Insomnia Statistics You HAVE To Know

The overall economic costs of insomnia in the United States are about $30 to $35 billion.

Approximately 60 million people in the United States suffer from insomnia, but many are undiagnosed and untreated. Insomnia has been linked to a variety of health problems, including diabetes, obesity, heart disease, hypertension, and depression.

The direct cost of insomnia spent on health care is estimated at about $15 billion annually in the United States. These costs of medical care cover those borne by the patient for self-treatment and those borne by the health care system, such as organized health care providers and insurance groups.

According to the U.S. Surgeon General, nearly $15 billion annually is spent on health care related to insomnia, while $50 billion is lost in productivity.

Sleep loss can affect your job. Research shows many adverse effects on workers’ performance, including impaired problem-solving, communications, and motor skills, and decreased learning capabilities and memory functions.

An estimated overall cost to businesses of $50 billion a year is attributed to sleep loss, which in turn causes higher stress levels and decreased productivity in the workplace.

Insomnia, knowing deeply this part of sleep disorder

Are you or your family suffering from insomnia? Insomnia or sleep disorder, for some people assumed as normal thing, but if insomnia happen in longer time will cause any physiological and physic disturbance, even death.

What is insomnia?
Insomnia is defined as the inability to sleep or maintain sleep

What causes insomnia?
It can be caused by any number of factors. The most common are:
o stress, anxiety and depression – Physiological factor
Experience stress in certain period because of social condition, unfinished personal problem, financial crisis, etc
o Bad environment
Experience 1 or 2 days sleep disorder because of noisy environment, so you have to move.
o Physical illness
Maybe you are still in period of curing your illness, by the time you get well, your insomnia gone.

Three types of insomnia exist:

Transient insomnia: trouble sleeping over a period of a few nights.
Short-term insomnia: trouble sleeping for two or three weeks.
Chronic insomnia: poor sleep every night or most nights for more than 2 weeks.

What are the symptoms of insomnia?
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV), shows the symptoms of one who is suffering from insomnia for physiological factor
1. Difficulty in getting started, maintaining sleep, and could not fixing the problem for one month are the most problem reported.
2. Insomnia cause one becomes stress that disturb social function, daily job, or other important function.
3. Insomnia causes physiological factor is not in area of narcolepsy, sleep disorder related to respiration, circadian rhythm disorder or parasomnia,
4. Insomnia for physiological factor doesn’t happen because of psychiatric disorders such as depression, delirium.
5. Insomnia for physiological factor doesn’t happen because of physiology side effect such as consuming medicine or general medical condition.

Solution Recommended
First, the insomnia people visit doctor first. This is very important to diagnose whether they have physical pain that affect sleep disorder. If found any physical pain then physical therapy needed.
Second, DO NOT EASILY consume sleeping pills without doctor receipt. Otherwise the insomnia will be resistant. Because mostly sleeping pills as temporary healer, then after the period ends, one will suffer again from insomnia.
Third, prevent consuming alcohol drink, drugs, etc. Otherwise they will cause disorder of body parts function and neuron system normally.
Fourth, have your meals normally from quality, quantity, and time. Prevent drinking coffee, for coffee itself contains caffeine that stimulate neurons to be busy. Do not eat too much or too little, it will affect your stomach responding abnormal.
Fifth, set up your bedroom effective and efficient, comfort table lamp. For certain environment, like noise, or flooded lights will disturb concentration to sleep.
Sixth, if you know what makes sleep disorder are the unfinished problem, you had better finish it first perfectly, not half. Think rationally that as long as we live, we always face problems. Face it, not running from it.
Seventh, when you are going to sleep, do it with strong determination and physical relaxation as easy as possible.