Along with external stimulants there are several internal stimulants that
you should try to avoid. The following foods and beverages contain caffeine,
sugars, and chemicals that may affect the way you relax, think, and feel. This
does not mean
span>body reacts to sugar much as it does to caffeine. It stimulates your body and mind for a short period of time (chemical reaction needed here). Try to avoid chocolate in any form at least two to three hours before bed.
Soda Drinks contain huge amounts of sugar and colas have the added impact of caffeine. The carbonation of pop drinks can cause, bloating and stomach gas which can create discomfort. Try to eliminate soda
beverages from your evening diet.
o Alcoholic beverages should be avoided before bed. Alcohol may make you drowsy and cause you to fall asleep easily. However, you may find yourself waking during the night feeling dehydrated and have difficulty falling asleep again. Although an evening glass of wine may relax you, it is not something you want to become dependent upon as a sleep aid. This could lead to a reliance on alcohol to signal your body that it is time for sleep, thus leading to addiction.
o Smoking can signal your body to wake during the night as your body's need for nicotine increases toward the morning hours. If at all possible try to reduce the amount you smoke before bed. Your goal is not only to fall asleep naturally, but also to remain asleep for the entire night.
Insomnia and sleep disorders
Insomnia and sleep disorders
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