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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sleep Disorders and Insomnia in Women - What Causes Them and Natural Insomnia Treatments

Did you realize that women are twice as likely as men to have sleep disorders? Women are known to have frequent sleep problems during their reproductive years.

There are numerous factors which can influence a woman's ability to have normal sleep patterns. These can include hormone levels, stress levels, lifestyle, sleep environment and menstrual and pregnancy related issues. It's quite common for women to experience premenstrual sleep disturbances during which they have difficulty falling asleep, may awake during the night, or have difficulty waking up. They may experience daytime sleepiness or suffer from insomnia, which is sleeplessness, and is one of the more common symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Many women acquire unhealthy sleep patterns due to the demanding roles they face as mothers, wives and career women. Women tend to choose to ignore fatigue and work long hours, both of which cut into their sleep time. On top if these, women also frequently have their sleep interrupted by their responsibilities as mom.

Women older than 40 years of age report more sleep disturbances than do women in their 20s or 30s. Lack of sleep in perimenopausal women can contribute to decreased job performance, decreased ability to concentrate, a decline in social interaction and a lack of general well-being.

Pregnancy can also be a major factor in sleep disturbance. The sheer demands of pregnancy on the body can make a woman feel sleepy during the day and yet inhibit sleep at night - especially in the first trimester. The pregnant woman may receive better sleep in the second trimester, only to face sleep issues again in the third trimester due to the size of her abdomen and the aches and pains of pregnancy.

Lack of sleep, or poor quality of sleep during pregnancy are often attributed to frequent urination, heartburn, discomfort from bodily changes, fetal movement, low back pain, leg cramps, vivid nightmares, sleep apnea and snoring which can occur or worsen during pregnancy.

As women age other sleep disturbances tend plague them due to menopause. The causes of sleep problems during this time of a woman's life can often be blamed on hot flashes and night sweats which wake them up or make it difficult to fall asleep.

The most common sleep complaint that women report is insomnia. Women have many reasons for having insomnia (sleeplessness) including physical pain, anxiety or worry, medical conditions that disrupt their sleep, and breathing disorders.

Statistics also show that sleep apnea increases in women who are over the age of 50. As women age they are far more likely to have restless legs syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder or even narcolepsy.

There are some natural ways to combat insomnia such as herbal teas, herbal baths and aromatherapy. Here are a few you can try to help you get a good night's sleep:

Sleep Easy Bath

* 2 drops Ylang-Ylang essential oil

* 3 drops Lavender essential oil

Add to tub full of warm water and mix well.

This is a soothing, relaxing blend that helps ease away a day's stresses and strains.

Insomnia Aromatherapy Blend


10 drops Roman Chamomile

5 drops Clary Sage

5 drops Bergamot


Blend the oils well in a clean dark-colored glass bottle. Add 1-2 drops to a tissue and place inside your pillow to aid you in falling asleep.

If you prefer to make a Diffuser blend that you enjoy during the hour before bedtime, make a blend with a ratio of 2 drops Roman Chamomile to 1 drop Clary Sage to 1 drop Bergamot and add to your Diffuser.

Lavender can also help provide relaxation and drowsiness, but using more than 1-2 drops can have the opposite effect.

Sleepless Night Tea

* 1 part Chamomile flowers

* 1 part Catnip herb

* 1 part Lemon Balm herb

* 1 part Passion Flower

Use a heaping teaspoon and steep 10 minutes in boiling water. Sweeten with honey or molasses to taste.

: article by Dee Braun [ Dee Braun, a single mom of 6, is a Certified Aromatherapist, Certified Dr. of Reflexology and a natural health practitioner. Click now to visit Remedies4.com at http://www.remedies4.com/ - a large directory full of free natural health ebooks ( http://www.remedies4.com/ ) covering common ailments, illnesses, health conditions and natural healing techniques. ]

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